David Morris Online Productivity Coach

  • Online Tuition

I help people save 12 hours per week while tripling their productivity WITHOUT willpower.

I'm a Business Management undergraduate at Edinburgh Napier University, I have also taken on solo travel, almost countless sports, and lots of extra learning/reading. 

I have a passion for productivity and with help from mentors, I have summarised my knowledge and experience into a methodology that teaches the skill of fueling discipline (the ability to abide by your intentions, expectations, schedules, and procedures you set for yourself) WITHOUT using willpower. 

I teach this skill to those who are addicted to their phone. Our mobile phones are easily the biggest distraction and interruption in our lives and so much free time is wasted on this addiction.

I have a course or individual sessions available, depending on individual wants/needs. 

About Me

On a mission to save 1 million hours of wasted time 

I help phone addicts save 12 hours per week while tripling their productivity WITHOUT relying on willpower

Each client will save up to (approximately) 6000+ hours (250 days) of wasted time. 


Main Service - The Complete Productivity Program: the one-stop-shop for procrastinators and phone addicts to get over their tendencies to waste time and instead learn how to triple their productivity without relying on willpower.

Other services:

Productivity sessions on:
- Time management 
- Quitting your phone addiction
- Selecting, building, and cementing good habits 
- Managing and improving your energy, focus, and motivation
- Morning routines
- Productivity mindset


Free sessions:

Free strategy session to help you identify exactly where you need to focus your attention to begin making real progress. 



Morning Afternoon Late Afternoon Evening
Tuesday - - -
Thursday - - -
Friday - - -
Saturday -
Sunday - - - -